The Challenge

The Goal

Distribute a volume of water equally between three small containers placed on a background grid of 16 points. The positions of the small containers are decided before the competition starts, and remain the same throughout the competition.

The Tools

Build a pipe network between the main water supply at Point 1 and the three small containers using blue (small) and red pipes and connectors. The pipes must follow the background grid and no more than 6 grid lines may be left empty. Use the container pipe assemblies to connect the small containers.

Remove Air from the Pipes

Close the valve on the main supply pipe and then add about four liters of water to source container. Make sure all air is removed from the main supply pipe by squeezing it if necessary.

Open the valve and allow water to flow into the small containers. Once all visible air has been removed from the network pipes, close the valve and empty the small containers back into the source container.

Run the Network

Open the valve to let water flow into the small containers.

Identify the fastest filling small container and close the valve as soon as its water level reaches the green band on the penalty point indicator.


Calculate the Penalty Score

Read off the penalty score for each of the small containers from their penalty point indicators.

If the water level is in the green band, the penalty score for that container is zero.

Calculate the penalty points for the network by adding up the individual container penalty points.


Improve the Network

Modify your network to improve your penalty score. You can change pipe diameters, add or remove pipes, or build a whole new network.

Teams are given a certain time (say 45 minutes) to try out different designs. At the end of this period, each team runs their final design.

The team with the lowest penalty score wins the competition.


More Information

Watch the videos below for instructions on how to set up the Aqualibrium equipment, run and score the network, and improve your runs.

The Downloads section includes rules, judging sheet and assembly instructions, that you can print out and use for your Aqualibrium events.